How many days until World Health Day 7 April?
There are 390 days until World Health Day 7 April.
There are 1 year, 25 days until World Health Day 7 April.
Day name of World Health Day 7 April is Tuesday. World Health Day 7 April day of year is 96.
How long until World Health Day 7 April?
390 days
World Health Day
April 7 of each year is celebrated as World Health Day. It is an international health awareness day to highlight global health issues including mental health, food safety, maternal and child care, healthy environments for children, infectious diseases, oral health, antimicrobial resistance, international health security, climate change, urbanization, road safety, and so on. The First World Health Assembly was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Because of their vital role during the COVID-19 global pandemic, the 2020 World Health Day theme was designated as the year of the Nurses and the Midwife by the World Health Assembly.
Countdown to World Health Day 7 April
How many weeks until World Health Day 7 April?
55 weeks
How many hours until World Health Day 7 April?
9380 hours