How many days until International Day of Yoga 21 June?
There are 2293 days until International Day of Yoga 21 June.
There are 6 years, 3 months, 10 days until International Day of Yoga 21 June.
Day name of International Day of Yoga 21 June is Saturday. International Day of Yoga 21 June day of year is 171.
How long until International Day of Yoga 21 June?
2293 days
International Day of Yoga
Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines that originated in India. Its popularity grows day by day, and has many health benefits like improving strength, increasing flexibility and relaxation, managing stress, promoting better self-care, and so on. Kids and adults can practice yoga. The International Day of Yoga is an annual worldwide celebration observed on 21 June to promote global health, harmony, and peace, as well as to raise awareness of the benefits of practicing yoga. The first International Day of Yoga took place on 21 June 2015, marking the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The idea of the day was proposed by Narendra Modi, the 14th prime minister of India. To celebrate this day, you can take a yoga class or a yoga retreat, share your experience on social media, and learn more about this ancient tradition.
Countdown to International Day of Yoga 21 June
How many months until International Day of Yoga 21 June?
3 months
How many weeks until International Day of Yoga 21 June?
327 weeks
How many hours until International Day of Yoga 21 June?
55039 hours