How many days until World Children’s Day 20 November?
There are 2439 days until World Children’s Day 20 November.
There are 6 years, 8 months, 3 days until World Children’s Day 20 November.
Day name of World Children’s Day 20 November is Thursday. World Children’s Day 20 November day of year is 323.
How long until World Children’s Day 20 November?
2439 days
World Children’s Day
World Children’s Day, or simply Children's Day, is an annual day to commemorate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and is observed on the 20th of November each year. It was established in 1954 as Universal Children's Day. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child, also known as the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child, was adopted by The United Nations on 20 November 1959. Turkey became the first country to celebrate Children's Day as a national holiday. National Sovereignty and Children's Day has been observed annually on April 23 by Turkey since 1927. World Children’s Day is an important day to promote children's welfare, improve the social status of children, and increase awareness of children's rights.
Countdown to World Children’s Day 20 November
How many months until World Children’s Day 20 November?
8 months
How many weeks until World Children’s Day 20 November?
348 weeks
How many hours until World Children’s Day 20 November?
58543 hours